Package: GGally

Barret Schloerke

GGally: Extension to 'ggplot2'

The R package 'ggplot2' is a plotting system based on the grammar of graphics. 'GGally' extends 'ggplot2' by adding several functions to reduce the complexity of combining geometric objects with transformed data. Some of these functions include a pairwise plot matrix, a two group pairwise plot matrix, a parallel coordinates plot, a survival plot, and several functions to plot networks.

Authors:Barret Schloerke [aut, cre], Di Cook [aut, ths], Joseph Larmarange [aut], Francois Briatte [aut], Moritz Marbach [aut], Edwin Thoen [aut], Amos Elberg [aut], Ott Toomet [ctb], Jason Crowley [aut], Heike Hofmann [ths], Hadley Wickham [ths]

GGally.pdf |GGally.html
GGally/json (API)

# Install 'GGally' in R:
install.packages('GGally', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

  • australia_PISA2012 - Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Data for Australia
  • baseball - Yearly batting records for all major league baseball players
  • flea - Historical data used for classification examples.
  • happy - Data related to happiness from the General Social Survey, 1972-2006.
  • nasa - Data from the Data Expo JSM 2006.
  • pigs - United Kingdom Pig Production
  • psychademic - UCLA canonical correlation analysis data
  • tips - Tipping data
  • twitter_spambots - Twitter spambots


16.35 score 593 stars 151 packages 17k scripts 72k downloads 87 mentions 121 exports 45 dependencies

Last updated 10 months agofrom:9d954c1731. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 09 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 09 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Modify a 'ggmatrix' object by adding an 'ggplot2' object to all add_to_ggmatrix
Add reference boxes around each cell of the glyphmap.add_ref_boxes
Add reference lines for each cell of the glyphmap.add_ref_lines
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 Data for Australiaaustralia_PISA2012
Yearly batting records for all major league baseball playersbaseball
RColorBrewer Set1 colorsbrew_colors
Broomify a modelbroomify
Evaluate data columneval_data_col
Historical data used for classification examples.flea
Function switchfn_switch
Subset a 'ggmatrix' objectgetPlot [.ggmatrix
Scatterplot for continuous and categorical variablesggally_autopoint ggally_autopointDiag
Bar plotggally_barDiag
Blank plotggally_blank ggally_blankDiag
Box plotggally_box ggally_box_no_facet
Column and row bar plotsggally_colbar ggally_rowbar
Correlation value plotggally_cor
Correlation value plotggally_cor_v1_5
Display counts of observationsggally_count ggally_countDiag StatGGallyCount stat_ggally_count
Plots the number of observationsggally_cross
Display a cross-tabulated tableggally_crosstable
Bivariate density plotggally_density
Univariate density plotggally_densityDiag
Tile plot with facetsggally_denstrip
Internal axis labels for ggpairsggally_diagAxis
Grouped dot plotggally_dot ggally_dot_no_facet
Faceted bar plotggally_facetbar
Faceted density plotggally_facetdensity
Density or tiles plot with facetsggally_facetdensitystrip
Faceted histogramggally_facethist
NA plotggally_na ggally_naDiag
'ggnostic' Cook's distanceggally_nostic_cooksd
'ggnostic' leverage pointsggally_nostic_hat
'ggnostic' background line with geomggally_nostic_line
'ggnostic' residualsggally_nostic_resid
'ggnostic' fitted value's standard errorggally_nostic_se_fit
'ggnostic' leave one out model sigmaggally_nostic_sigma
'ggnostic' standardized residualsggally_nostic_std_resid
Scatter plotggally_points
Mosaic plotggally_ratio
Scatter plot with a smoothed lineggally_smooth ggally_smooth_lm ggally_smooth_loess
Generalized text displayggally_statistic
Summarize a continuous variable by each value of a discrete variableggally_summarise_by weighted_mean_sd weighted_median_iqr
Display a table of the number of observationsggally_table ggally_tableDiag
Text plotggally_text
Trends line plotggally_trends
Display an outcome using several potential explanatory variablesggbivariate
Model coefficients with 'broom' and 'ggplot2'ggcoef
Correlation matrixggcorr
'ggplot2' generalized pairs plot for two columns sets of dataggduo
Single 'ggplot2' plot matrix with 'facet_grid'ggfacet
Plot only legend of plot functiongglegend
'ggplot2' plot matrixggmatrix
'ggmatrix' 'gtable' objectggmatrix_gtable
'ggmatrix' plot locationsggmatrix_location
'ggmatrix' default progress barggmatrix_progress
Network plotggnet
Network plotggnet2
Network plot map overlayggnetworkmap
Plot matrix of statistical model diagnosticsggnostic
ggplot2 generalized pairs plotggpairs
Parallel coordinate plotggparcoord
Traditional scatterplot matrix for purely quantitative variablesggscatmat
Survival curvesggsurv
Cross-tabulated tables of discrete variablesggtable
Multiple time seriesggts
Glyph plot classglyphplot is.glyphplot print.glyphplot [.glyphplot
Create 'glyphplot' dataglyphs
Grab the legend and print it as a plotgrab_legend print.legend_guide_box
Data related to happiness from the General Social Survey, 1972-2006.happy
Check if plot is horizontalis_character_column is_horizontal
lowertriangle - rearrange dataset as the preparation of 'ggscatmat' functionlowertriangle
Aesthetic mapping color fillmapping_color_to_fill
Aes namemapping_string
Swap x and y mappingmapping_swap_x_y
Model term namesmodel_beta_label model_beta_variables model_response_variables
Data from the Data Expo JSM 2006.nasa
United Kingdom Pig Productionpigs
Print if not CRANprint_if_interactive
Print 'ggmatrix' objectprint.ggmatrix
UCLA canonical correlation analysis datapsychademic
Insert a plot into a 'ggmatrix' objectputPlot [<-.ggmatrix
Remove colour mapping unless found in select mapping keysremove_color_unless_equal
Rescaling functionsmax1 mean0 min0 range01 rescale01 rescale11
Find order of variablesscag_order
Plots the lowertriangle and density plots of the scatter plot matrix.scatmat
Order axis variablessingleClassOrder
Sample skewnessskewness
'ggmatrix' structurestr.ggmatrix
Tipping datatips
Twitter spambotstwitter_spambots
Rearrange dataset as the preparation of 'ggscatmat' functionuppertriangle
Modify a 'ggmatrix' object by adding an 'ggplot2' object to allv1_ggmatrix_theme
View GGally vignettesvig_ggally
Wrap a function with different parameter valueswrap wrapp wrap_fn_with_params wrap_fn_with_param_arg