Package: tourr 1.2.5

Dianne Cook

tourr: Tour Methods for Multivariate Data Visualisation

Implements geodesic interpolation and basis generation functions that allow you to create new tour methods from R.

Authors:Hadley Wickham [aut, ctb], Dianne Cook [aut, cre], Nick Spyrison [ctb], Ursula Laa [ctb], H. Sherry Zhang [ctb], Stuart Lee [ctb]

tourr.pdf |tourr.html
tourr/json (API)

# Install 'tourr' in R:
install.packages('tourr', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

  • flea - Flea beatle measurements
  • flea_raw - Flea beatle measurements
  • laser - Turnable laser measurements from Bellcore
  • olive - Olive oil samples from Italy
  • ozone - Monthly ozone measurements over Central America
  • places - Ratings of different locations across North America
  • ratcns - Rat CNS Gene Expression
  • t1 - Saved history of guided tour with holes
  • tao - Tropical Atmosphere Ocean data



11.18 score 65 stars 10 packages 426 scripts 2.0k downloads 108 exports 17 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:1b2f44d1bc. Checks:9 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 30 2025
R-4.5-winOKMar 30 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 30 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 30 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 30 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 30 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 30 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 30 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 30 2025



Edges in scatterplot displays

Rendered fromedges.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 30 2025.

Last update: 2023-06-20
Started: 2020-11-19

Introduction to tourr

Rendered fromtourr.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 30 2025.

Last update: 2023-06-20
Started: 2020-11-19

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Calculate orthogonal distancesanchored_orthogonal_distance
Compute Andrews' curvesandrews
Returns n equidistant bins between -pi and piangular_breaks
Animate a tour path.animate
Anomaly index.anomaly_index
Test if all entries are colorsareColors
Center a numeric vector by subtracting off its
Central mass index.cmass
Distance correlation index.dcor2d dcor2d_2
A dependence tour path.dependence_tour
Andrews' curves tour path animation.animate_andrews display_andrews
Display tour path with a density and scatterplotanimate_density2d display_density2d
Display 3d projection with depth cuesanimate_depth display_depth
1d distribution tour path animation.animate_dist display_dist
Chernoff faces tour path animation.animate_faces display_faces
Display 2D tour projections displayed separately by groupsanimate_groupxy display_groupxy
Display a 1D linear aggregation indexanimate_idx display_idx
Image tour path animation.animate_image display_image
Display tour path with principal component scores with original axesanimate_pca display_pca
Parallel coordinates tour path animation.animate_pcp display_pcp
Display tour path with a sage scatterplotanimate_sage display_sage
Scatterplot matrix tour path animation.animate_scatmat display_scatmat
Display tour path with a sliced scatterplotanimate_slice display_slice
Star glyph tour path animation.animate_stars display_stars
Anaglpyh tour path animation.animate_stereo display_stereo
Display tour path with trailsanimate_trails display_trails
Display tour path with a scatterplotanimate_xy display_xy
Draw tour axes on the projected data with base graphicsdraw_tour_axes
Estimate cutoff eps for section pursuit.estimate_eps
Flea beatle measurementsflea Flea measurements flea, flea_raw
The frozen guided tourfrozen_guided_tour
A frozen tour path.frozen_tour
A grand tour path.grand_tour
A guided anomaly tour path.guided_anomaly_tour
A guided section tour path.guided_section_tour
A guided tour path.guided_tour
Holes index.holes
Interpolate geodesically between bases.interpolate
Turnable laser measurements from Bellcorelaser Laser measurements
LDA projection pursuit index.lda_pp
Returns n equidistant bins between a and blinear_breaks
A little tour path.little_tour
A local tour path.local_tour
Calculate the Mahalanobis distance between points and center.mahal_dist
Manually slice along a variable axis.manual_slice
Map vector of factors to colormapColors
Map vector of factors to pchmapShapes
Maximum and total information coefficient index.MIC TIC
Normality index.norm_bin norm_kol
Olive oil samples from Italyolive Olive oil measurements
Monthly ozone measurements over Central Americaozone Ozone measurements
Draw the path that the geodesics took.path_curves
Compute distance matrix from bases.path_dist
Compute index values for a tour history.path_index
PDA projection pursuit index.pda_pp
Ratings of different locations across North Americaplaces Places Ratings
A planned tour path.planned2_tour planned_tour
Calculate the distance between two bases.proj_dist
A radial tour path.radial_tour
Rat CNS Gene ExpressionRat CNS ratcns
Render frames of animation to diskrender
Render a set of animation framesrender_anim
Render frames of animation to a gif filerender_gif
Render plotly animation framerender_proj
Rescale a matrix or data framerescale
Save tour history.save_history
Search for a better projection near the current projection.search_better
Search for a better projection using simulated annealingsearch_better_random
A pseudo-derivative, line search algorithm.search_geodesic
A jellyfish optimiser for projection pursuit guided tourcheck_dup search_jellyfish
Search very locally to find slightly better projections to polish a broader search.search_polish
Search for a better projection based on Poss, 1995search_posse
Skewness index.skewness
Section pursuit index.slice_index
Sphere a matrix (or data frame) by transforming variables to principal components.sphere_data
Spline/loess based index.loess2d splines2d
Scagnostic indexes.stringy
Saved history of guided tour with holest1
Tropical Atmosphere Ocean datatao Tropical Atmosphere Ocean